Policy & Procedure
Meter reading and billing.
Water meters are read, the bill calculated and mailed from our business office monthly, Failure
to receive bills or notices will not prevent bills from becoming delinquent.
Bills are due when rendered. A 15% late charge will automatically be added if the bill is not paid by the
close of business on the delinquent date indicated on the bill.
Disconnect and Reconnect due to non-pay on the account.
Payment not made within 30 days after the due date will result in an additional 15% fee applied and
service being disconnected. Full payment of the account will be required plus a $75.00 reconnect fee to
have service reinstated. Payment on accounts that are locked for non pay will have to be made in cash, by money order, debit or credit card. No checks accepted on accounts locked for non-pay.
Double Connection
Double connection of water service on one water meter is not allowed. As stated in the rules and
Regulation “water furnished for a given lot shall be used on that lot only. Each consumer’s service
must be separately metered at a single delivery and metering point.”
Meter Tampering Fee
Customers must apply for water service and pay the required service charge before using the
water meter at a given point. Any person using the water without properly applying for service
will be charged with tampering. Any customer who has been locked for non-pay and tampers
with or removes the lock from a meter will be charged with tampering. The following rules
1st offense – $100.00 plus pay for any damage to the meter, the lock or the locking device.
2nd offense – $100.00 plus pay for any damage to the meter, the lock or the locking device and
legal charges will be filed.
Quick Links
Located at:
1633 Al Hwy 14
Elmore, Alabama 36025
Office: 334-285-6109
Fax: 334-285-0706
24 hr. Emergency Number
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 am to 4:00 pm