The Governing Body
Three members make up the Board of Directors which are the governing body of this Authority. Each board member is appointed by the Elmore County Commission to serve six year terms. A board member may serve consecutive term if so appointed.
The purpose for which this corporation is formed is set forth in the Articles of Incorporation and the duties are outlined in the Elmore Water Bylaws.
The board of Directors currently serving Elmore Water and Sewer Authority are:
Chairman – Art Faulkner
Vice Chairman – T Robert Ward, Jr.
Secretary-Treasurer – Ronald L. Harris, Jr.
Quick Links
Located at:
1633 Al Hwy 14
Elmore, Alabama 36025
Office: 334-285-6109
Fax: 334-285-0706
24 hr. Emergency Number
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 am to 4:00 pm